The archetypes expressed within the light of this full moon are Cancer Sun and Capricorn Moon, the classic meaning of mother and father, nurturer, disciplinarian/builder.
Guru Purnima
Since it is on Thursday, Guru day, it behooves us to look at all who have been luminaries in our lives of these two archetypes.
Three Questions to Shed Light Upon
Three questions you might choose to ask:
1. Who has nurtured me into manifesting more of my potential?
2. What are the traditions, the disciplines, ones that have stood the test of time, that have provided solid steps toward my flowering...the ones that have lifted me out of the mud of obscurity into the pure joy of lotus light that I am?
3. In the last six months, how have I grown in ways that I nurture and strengthen myself in ways that bring me and those around me more growth and joy in these ways?
Time to Honor These Luminaries
Perhaps, it has been you.
Whoever these luminaries are/have been, it is time to recognize and honor them in some way. When we do those qualities we honor in these luminaries become increasingly solid within ourselves.
I am very fond of the symbolic meaning of this particular parental full moon as it is the opposite or complimentary one that occurred at my birth. To this end, I am offering a special on my valuable Personal Cosmological Readings for Cancer’s and Capricorn’s Readings, which will be offered on a Donation Basis. Offer ends on June 30, 2021.
Click the button below to book your online or phone appointment.