Cosmologically Speaking, this New Moon in Taurus invites us to set our intentions for our physical, financial, romantic and sensual needs. Under the influence of the solar eclipse as well as Jupiter’s position in Pisces, focus on the embodiment of these areas of material security will be more intense than usual.
Although Taurus is the first Earth sign of the cosmic archetypes, its symbol of the circle with the crescent moon on top, often read as the sensual, strong and sexual bull, is also read as a cosmic satellite on top of the earth (and one’s body) - one that receives seemingly complex cosmic consciousness and distills it into simple everyday practicality. In this respect, Taurus can be a very spiritual sign. Consider how yoga and qigong integrate spirit into the body and general awareness and you’ll have a window into Taurus’s more subtle power.
Taurus rules the neck and Throat Chakra in yogic terms. Our throats express our deepest intentions into manifestation. What do you believe? What are your deepest intentions? Your dreams of meeting your and your family’s most practical needs?
This is the time to get in touch with them, a time to write them down, speak them, touch, taste, sing them.
Happy New Moon planting your intentional seeds!
Each of us has a unique way in which the Taurus archetype is expressing through our souls. In honor of my beautiful mother who had many planets in Taurus, I am offering a Special Reading on how you can gain the most from this powerful archetype in your life on a donation basis.
Contact me to make your appointment.