Full Snow Moon in Leo February 16, 2022 at 11:57am EST
This Full Moon in Leo completes the fourth point of a Grand Cross in the fixed modality. The fixed nature (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus and where they show up in each soul blueprint) can be highly organized. They do not shrink away from the practical day-to-day details to build the momentum required to manifest the goal. If the petty ego is at the wheel, it’s expression could very well manifest on a grand scale.
Likewise, a sheltered person or group (we have all been sheltering in with a global pandemic) could shed that limiting structure and blossom dramatically into a major embodiment of a destined Avatar - one that has been gestating beneath the surface since mid-2019 and/or 1989.
Both are likely to happen simultaneously even within each of us - polarized Armageddon figures to catalyze the unity consciousness that characterizes the Age of Aquarius … in which we find ourselves.
On a less polemic level, all affairs of the heart are highlighted as Leo rules the heart and spine - romance, drama, adventure, children, leadership and burgeoning creativity are likely to sparkle, on both a personal (Moon in Leo) and collective level (Sun in Aquarius).
When emotions run high during this very intense volatile time, find time to play like children, learn from children and fall in love with your divine inner child, the one who once knew how to play - totally immersed in the pure pleasurable detailed vision of her or his creativity. At this time, on this full moon, we are charged with bringing the “royal beauty bright” power of Love to self and the world.
Be brave dear friends! Roar!
***Special Offer*** Natal Chart Astrological Readings for your children and Divine Child inside on a Donation Basis - contact me to reserve your online appointment.